the daily good: bringing change...connecting community

What We Do

The Daily Good Mission Statement

THE DAILY GOOD aims to make a difference in the Keene, New Hampshire region by focusing on Diversity and Belonging, Food Security, Health and Well-being, and Literacy. Several of our initiatives support all 4 of these pillars and are determined by asking community members this question: “What would make your daily life better?” Through their impassioned answers, we form initiatives that close community gaps and support individuals overlooked or underserved by larger nonprofits. As an all-volunteer nonprofit with no bureaucracy, our initiatives are implemented quickly with immediate impact.

THE DAILY GOOD’S Food Pantries are at all Keene colleges:
Keene State College, Antioch University of New England, and River Valley Community College

We have big success creating positive change with a small budget.

THE DAILY GOOD is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are 100% tax-deductible.


Three female students holding up food various food donations from the Daily Good

Global Foods Pantries

What it Does:
Amplifies the voices of both international and domestic college students in the Keene area through free access to cultural heritage foods, supports food security, and cultivates cultural awareness.
How it Works:
Students take full agency over this initiative by providing THE DAILY GOOD with pantry grocery lists that reflect foods that say “home.” THE DAILY GOOD then does some pretty awesome grocery shopping and delivers and stocks the GLOBAL FOODS PANTRY shelves each week with free food at college campuses.
How it Brings Change and Connects Community:
Since the GLOBAL FOODS PANTRIES began partnering with colleges in September of 2019, grocers we work with in the region are expanding their global foods offerings, on-campus dining at colleges are preparing a greater variety of culturally responsive dishes that reflect the cultural identities of all students, and students are creating cross-cultural conversations and community-building gatherings through the foods we provide.

Even though they don’t know us personally, they are doing something for us that is personal, so I feel more welcomed, more appreciated, more wanted.

Keene State College student

THE DAILY GOOD got me through college. I am forever grateful and will never forget THE DAILY GOOD.

Keene State College Alum

THE DAILY GOOD has enhanced the quality of life in the community in meaningful and measurable ways.

Melinda Treadwell, President, Keene State College



What it Does:
Works to ensure food security on college campuses in the Keene area by providing free, ready-to-eat or easy-to-make meals.
How it Works:
At the beginning of the school year, students let us know what they’d like to see on the FOODS FOR YOU shelves and THE DAILY GOOD does our very best to fulfill these requests, stocking the shelves each month with the foods students want.
How it Brings Change and Connects Community:
Realizing the scope of food insecurity on campuses and in the City of Keene by seeing how our food delivery items are so well-received, some college campuses have begun to provide free breakfasts for all students. Inspired by THE DAILY GOOD, an international student is working to implement this initiative in his home country.

The Daily Good has been an amazing boost for our students, both international and domestic. We were amazed when the non-perishables disappeared from the shelves within 24 hours.  The Daily Good is a fantastic resource for Antioch, and we are so grateful.

Laura Andrews, Director of Institutional Advancement, Antioch University


Medical Emergency Fund

THE DAILY GOOD has a small fund to support community members experiencing unexpected, emergency medical expenses--from dental to ambulance care.

Phenomenal! THE DAILY GOOD really helped me a lot with my teeth, especially being a college student.

emergency dental care recipient, THE DAILY GOOD Medical Emergency Fund


Arts and Literacy

Summer Feed and Read Aloud Day

In partnership with the City of Keene, THE DAILY GOOD provides 60 to 100 summer campers, including children in need, with a healthy snack, read-alouds, and a new book to take home and instill in children and families a love of reading.


THE DAILY GOOD’s Feed & Read Aloud program brings a fun and educational opportunity to our summer camp at no cost to participants. By providing a healthy snack, a read aloud, and a book to bring home, the program reminds campers the importance of healthy snacks and also reminds campers the joy and fun of reading during out of school time.

Brianne Rafford-Varley,
Recreation Manager, City of Keene Parks and Recreation

WakaDoodles sponsorship

In partnership with Nova Arts and in support of Keene Housing Kids Collaborative and Southwestern Community Services, THE DAILY GOOD is nurturing children's creativity and art literacy through the WakaDoodles after-school arts program at Brewbakers Café. We provide access to free kids' snacks that young creators can enjoy during the art programs, including children in need.


The after-school program at WakaDoodles has become a huge success thanks to the contribution made by THE DAILY GOOD. The kids enrolled in the program are now able to focus and recharge themselves, knowing that a delicious snack awaits them during their art class. THE DAILY GOOD has made it possible for these kids to have access to healthy and nutritious snacks.

Priya Allaire, WakaDoodles founder

Who We Are

The Daily Good Founders

Sandra Neil Wallace and Rich Wallace

Sandra Neil Wallace and Rich Wallace

We both have professional backgrounds in children's publishing as authors and editors. Before that we were journalists--Sandra became the first woman to host an NHL broadcast on national television, and Rich became the senior editor of the most popular children's magazine in the world — Highlights For Children. Now we write true stories for young readers about people who break barriers and change the world.

Personally, we never thought we'd become changemakers ourselves by starting a nonprofit. But after seeing so much positive, community change happen from our community organizing and partnerships to support immigrants and refugees, several community leaders asked us if we'd start one to empower more community members. And that's how THE DAILY GOOD began in 2019.

We didn't know exactly what our initiatives would be at that moment, but we knew who to ask: community members themselves, including students who utilize the Office of Student Diversity, Belonging, and Equity at Keene State College. We also knew who to ask to join THE DAILY GOOD advisory board. These community changemakers keep us focused and help implement THE DAILY GOOD initiatives quickly. We are so grateful for their leadership.

The Daily Good Advisors

In the Media

The pandemic increased our need to support students. At Keene State College, for example, dozens of students remained on campus in the first several months and through the summer of 2021. We were asked to provide more frequent food pantry deliveries to their dorms, so we pivoted and stretched our food roster. We have continued to stock our Global Foods Pantry on a weekly basis since April of 2020. Now more than ever, your donation will help ensure that we can continue to provide these weekly deliveries.